A 20-year-old man in Florida was arrested on Sunday . . . after he broke into a gas station and stole dog food and cigarillos.  He left his ATM card on the counter, and later told police he planned to go back and pay for it.

 Just so you know, if you break into a business . . . steal something . . . but promise to pay for it later . . . it’s still a crime.

A 20-year-old man in Florida named Lantz Kurtz was arrested on Sunday, after he broke into a gas station and stole dog food, antifreeze, cigarillos, and an electronic tobacco device.

He was caught because he left his ATM card on the counter . . . intentionally.  After he was tracked down by the cops, he said that he left it behind so that he could pay for the items later.  (???)

The police reminded him that breaking and entering is still a crime.

For what it’s worth, the guy’s car caught fire that night, and that’s where the officers connected him to the burglary . . . he was still on the side of the road.



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