Here are some random facts for you:  Distillers call the whiskey that evaporates from the barrel as it ages “the angel’s share.”  And the biggest sale in Walmart history was made by Shaquille O’Neal.

1.  You may know this if you’ve ever been on the Bourbon Trail, but distillers call the whiskey that evaporates from the barrel as it ages “the angel’s share.”

The amount that evaporates varies based on the location . . . there’s more evaporation in Kentucky than Scotland due to climate . . . and the amount of time it ages.  Roughly speaking, the angel’s share starts out at 2% to 4% per year.

2.  There’s a statue at Harvard University that says “John Harvard, Founder, 1638.”  All of that’s wrong.  John Harvard was a benefactor, not the founder.  Harvard was founded in 1636.  And the statue is actually of a man named Sherman Hoar.

3.  The trend of players wearing longer basketball shorts started in 1987 when Michael Jordan asked for his to be lengthened so he could hold them when he bent over to breathe.

4.  There are only 60 certified master cheesemakers in the U.S., and all of them live and work in Wisconsin.

5.  The biggest sale in Walmart history was made by Shaquille O’Neal.  He spent $70,000 at one store when he was traded from Miami to Phoenix in 2008 and he bought everything for his new house there.



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