Do you think people just can’t take a joke anymore?  Or are we constantly offended now, because more people joke about stuff that should be off limits?

Someone polled 6,000 Americans.  And in general, we think people just can’t take a joke these days.  But it’s a mixed bag . . .

35% said we can’t take a joke anymore . . . 22% think the real problem is too many jokes about off-color topics . . . and 31% said both are true.  (The remaining 13% said “neither” are true, or they’re “not sure.”)

68% think we’re more likely to be offended than we were a decade ago . . . only 12% said less likely.  So what are the RULES around cracking jokes in 2023?

42% of us think it’s never okay to joke about ANYTHING people might find offensive.  Even though young people are called “snowflakes” a lot, BOOMERS were actually the most likely to agree with that.

38% of us think ANY topic is okay to joke about.  But half of those people say it depends on the spirit of the joke, and whether it’s funny or not. 

(YouGov / YouGov)

Related Comedy:  Top 5 Ways to Respond to Someone Who Says Your Joke Isn’t Funny

Originally posted on August 2nd, 2023


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