Two people in Florida were arrested last weekend, after one of them made a 911 call . . . to get help with moving stuff from a home that they were robbing.  They were both charged with burglary

 There are two main issues when robbing a place:  How to get in, and how to get away with all the stuff that you’re stealing.  These people did NOT think through that second part.

Two people in Florida . . . a man and a woman . . . were arrested last weekend, after breaking into a house through an unlocked door.  They also allegedly stole from a Dollar General earlier that day.

And it wasn’t hard to catch them.  While at the house, they called 911 for some reason.  They didn’t say anything, so deputies were dispatched to the area.

When they showed up, the female thief said that they’d called 911 to ask law enforcement to help them move stuff from the house they were robbing . . . AND to give them a ride to their airport, because they were going to New York.

The deputies did help them bag up a few of the items they stole . . . and did give them a ride.  But not to the airport.  They were taken to jail, where they were both charged with burglary. 



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