298 years ago – In 1725, the first SCALPING by Evil White Men happened in New Hampshire.  The colonists took 10 scalps from the bodies of Native Americans they’d attacked in order to claim a bounty of 100 pounds per scalp.

231 years ago – In 1792, President George Washington created the U.S. Post Office.

61 years ago – In 1962, astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth, flying aboard Friendship 7.

41 years ago – In 1982, Pat Benatar and her guitarist, Neil Geraldo, were married on Maui.

33 years ago – In1990, Danny Elfman won a Grammy for Best Instrumental Composition for the Batman Theme.  Best Pop Duo Performance was the Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville duet Don’t Know Much.

Metallica won Best Metal Performance for One.

Young MC won Best Rap Performance for Bust a Move.

Living Colour won Best Hard Rock Performance for Cult of Personality.

And Bette Midler won Record of the Year for Wind Beneath My Wings.

33 years ago – In 1990, The Scorpions album “Best of Rockers ‘N’ Ballads”, featuring Rock You Like A HurricaneBig City Nights and No One Like You, was certified Gold.

27 years ago – In 1996, Snoop Dogg and his bodyguard were found not guilty of first-degree murder.  The jury deadlocked on voluntary manslaughter charges and a mistrial was declared.

26 years ago – In 1997, Ben & Jerry’s introduced a new flavor . . . Phish Food . . . named after the rock group Phish.  Phish Food contains chocolate ice cream, marshmallows, caramel and fish-shaped fudge.

25 years ago – In 1998, Tara Lipinski became the youngest Olympic champion EVER when she beat Michelle Kwan to win the gold medal in women’s figure skating.  Tara was just 15 years old.

20 years ago – In 2003, the Station Nightclub Fire erupted at a Great White concert.  It claimed the lives of 100 innocent people who were trampled trying to escape after pyrotechnic devices ignited some packing foam near the stage.

It was the fourth deadliest fire in American history.

18 years ago – In 2005, the contents of Paris Hilton’s hacked T-Mobile Sidekick hit the Internet.



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