A Canadian woman was arrested last Sunday after setting off a firework in a restaurant . . . stealing a pizza . . . and carjacking a taxi.  She actually dragged the cab driver in the process, but he should be okay.

They say Canadians say “sorry” a lot . . . and that’s good, because this woman has a LOT to apologize for.

A 31-year-old woman in Winnipeg, Canada was arrested last Sunday . . . after setting off a firework inside a crowded restaurant, so that she was able to distract everyone and steal a pizza.

Then, she ran outside and hailed a taxi.  She got it, but she started acting belligerent so the driver tried to kick her out.  When he opened his door to get out, the woman jumped into the driver’s seat and started driving . . . DRAGGING him about 30 feet.

The cops pursued the taxi, and arrested her after she crashed it into a snowbank.  She was charged with two counts of robbery, possession of a weapon, and failing to comply with prior court orders.

Fortunately, no one was hurt in the restaurant . . . and while the cab driver was hospitalized, he’s in stable condition. 



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